Water Department

Water Department

The Water Department is responsible for maintaining the water production and delivery infrastructure, including both potable and non-potable water systems. With an extensive network comprising wells, storage tanks, booster and pressure reducing stations, fire hydrants, pipelines, valves, and service lines, the Water Department ensures the integrity of the water supply throughout the community.

The Water Team

The water team comprises a dedicated group of professionals responsible for ensuring the smooth operation and maintenance of the community's water infrastructure. Led by a working supervisor, the team consists of four skilled water operators and a meter reader.

They are trained to operate and maintain various components of the infrastructure, including wells, storage tanks, booster and pressure reducing stations, pump houses, and fire hydrants. Their expertise helps to ensure a reliable supply of potable and non-potable water to the community.

Together, this dedicated water team works tirelessly to maintain the integrity of the water infrastructure, promptly address any issues or leaks, and provide a dependable water supply to the community they serve.

The Budget

The Water Department's budget is primarily supported by rate payers, who contribute to the water utility fund. Additionally, the department receives financial assistance from the Bond Redemption Fund (related to the 1995 water bonds) and the Water Development Fund. To maintain financial stability, the department also maintains a separate General Reserve Fund.

The Water Department reimburses the Roads Division for any repairs related to water infrastructure and leaks. With a focus on providing reliable and sustainable water services, the department allocates its budget to cover operational costs, infrastructure maintenance, system improvements, and emergency repairs as needed.
A clean room with fluorescent lighting that houses massive plumbing fixtures

Public Works Hours of Operation

Public Works Office: 7 am - 3:30 pm Monday through Friday

Phone: 661-821-4428 ext 3902

Water Projects

Our Water System

Miles of Main Lines
Home Connections
Pressure Zones
Booster Stations
Storage Tanks
Pressure Regulating Stations
Three black, modern plumbing fixtures
Station 3A


Our water supply in Bear Valley Springs is entirely derived from groundwater production. We rely on a combination of alluvial wells drilled in the Bear Valley groundwater basin and bedrock wells drilled in the granitic bedrock.

These wells are replenished only through seasonal rainfall that percolates into the aquifer. This is what makes attention to protecting our watershed so vital.

There are also six wells in Cummings Valley that tap into the Cummings Basin managed by the Tehachapi Cummings County Water District (TCCWD). That water is purchased from TCCWD and imported into BVS.

Delivery System

A clean room with fluorescent lighting that houses massive plumbing fixtures
Cummings Valley Booster Station

To ensure a reliable water supply to our community, we have established a network of wells, booster stations, and storage tanks. The water is pumped from the wells to various tanks throughout the valley using booster pumps.

Tanks 1B-2 and 1B-3, located at the bottom of Cumberland Hill, are the first to be filled by the Cummings Valley (CV) booster station. Once those tanks are satisfied, the water is diverted towards tanks on Sheeptrail and Willow pass, which are filled simultaneously.

We have a total of 43 tanks with capacities ranging from 10,000 gallons to 1 million gallons, collectively holding 4.57 million gallons of drinking water.

The water main system is flooded once the tanks are filled, and gravity takes over to distribute the water throughout the community. With 77 pumps across 36 booster stations, water levels in all the tanks are carefully maintained.

Water Pressure

plumbing fixture
Pressure Regulator Station

Due to our mountainous terrain, water pressure within the system can vary from 20 PSI to 300 PSI. To maintain optimal pressure levels, we have 17 pressure regulating stations that help keep the water pressure within the range of 90-125 PSI.

Additionally, there are seven hydro-pneumatic booster tanks in areas where homes are at a higher elevation, ensuring that water is pushed uphill to those locations.

Past Problems and Future Solutions

In the past, our water supply faced challenges, particularly with the aging  water infrastructure. However, the implementation of the Cummings Valley well field supply brought a reliable supplementary water supply to our community. As the cost of operating the CV well field has increased due to importation fees, we are striving to maximize our local supplies once again. This will help ensure a sustainable and self-reliant water supply for the future.

Water Quality

Our dedicated water operators strive to provide high quality service of our water supply to those who rely on us by proactively, innovatively, and continuously improving the quality and efficiency of our operations and service. Regular sampling, testing, and compliance reporting are conducted to meet federal, state, and local regulations. We publish an annual Consumer Confidence Report that provides detailed information about the quality of our water and its compliance with regulatory standards.

At Bear Valley Springs, we are committed to providing a reliable and high-quality water delivery system to meet the needs of our community now and in the future.

Water Quality Reports

Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) is a comprehensive document that provides consumers with information about the quality and safety of their drinking water, including its source, any detected contaminants, and compliance with drinking water standards.
2023 CCR
2022 CCR
2021 CCR
2020 CCR
2019 CCR
2018 CCR
2017 CCR

Our Watershed: Understanding the Connection to Our Drinking Water

An infographic depicting how rainfall runs down hillsides and percolates through the ground into the aquifer

In our unique watershed, much of our rainwater flows down from the surrounding mountain sides and gathers in a seasonal lake known as 'Surprise Lake.' It is important to protect this watershed for several reasons, including the sustainability of our drinking water supply and the preservation of our local ecosystem.

Our watershed serves as a critical water source for replenishing our wells, which are vital for our community's drinking water supply. By safeguarding the watershed, we ensure that it remains clean and free from contaminants, maintaining the quality of the water that eventually reaches our wells. This protection is crucial for ensuring a reliable and safe drinking water source for our residents.

Additionally, our watershed supports a diverse range of plant and animal species that are uniquely adapted to this environment. Our ecosystem  provides habitats for various wildlife, including our elk and the small animals that make up the food chain for predators like bear, mountain lion, bobcat, foxes, coyote, and raptors.

Protecting the watershed means preserving these habitats and promoting biodiversity. By maintaining the natural balance within our ecosystem, we contribute to the overall health and resilience of our local environment.

To protect our watershed, it is essential to practice responsible land management, such as limiting pollution, controlling erosion, and conserving water resources. Additionally, raising awareness within our community about the importance of watershed protection and promoting environmentally-friendly practices can make a significant impact.

By understanding the significance of our watershed and actively working to protect it, we ensure the sustainability of our drinking water supply and contribute to the conservation of our unique local ecosystem centered around Surprise Lake. Together, we can preserve this valuable resource for future generations and continue to enjoy the beauty and benefits it provides to our community.

Understanding Bear Valley's Water Conservation Program

The Bear Valley Community Services District (the District) has implemented a Water Conservation Program to help maintain and protect our local water resources. Under this program, the District has established ordinances for water use to encourage effective water management practices within the community. These rules, which respond to both long-term and short-term water shortages, aim to reduce water use and protect the District's water supply.

Mandatory Water Conservation Measures

The District has established water conservation measures that are always in effect. These include restrictions on watering times and duration, prohibitions on excessive water flow or runoff, limitations on washing hard or paved surfaces, the obligation to fix leaks promptly, requirements for water fountains to have a recirculation system, restrictions on washing vehicles, and prohibitions against providing drinking water at establishments unless specifically requested.

The District also has additional measures in place for each stage of water shortage conditions, which include limitations on outdoor watering and landscape irrigation, restrictions on construction water, and requirements for high volume users to submit a water use conservation plan.

Why Water Conservation Matters

Conserving water benefits both the community and individual homeowners. Water conservation helps protect our environment, reduce the impact of droughts, and ensures a steady and sustainable water supply for the community. For homeowners, water conservation can lower utility bills and reduce the need for costly landscape maintenance.

The District encourages residents to implement water-saving practices in their daily lives. By working together, we can ensure a sustainable water future for Bear Valley.

Water Shortage Conditions

The Water Conservation Program identifies three stages of water shortage conditions:

  1. Stage One – Moderate Water Shortage: This condition applies when the District predicts it may not be able to meet 90% or more of its customers' water needs. During this time, residents are asked to reduce their water usage by at least 10%.
  2. Stage Two – Severe Water Shortage: This condition is declared when the District predicts it may not be able to meet 80% or more of its customers' water needs. During this time, residents are asked to reduce their water usage by at least 20%.
  3. Stage Three – Critical Water Shortage: This condition applies when the District predicts it will not be able to meet 70% or more of its customers' water needs. During this stage, a reduction of at least 30% in potable water use is required.

The District will duly inform the community about any change in water conservation levels via public meetings.

Smart Irrigation Alternatives

Complying with these ordinances can be made easier through smart irrigation practices:

  1. Drip irrigation: Drip irrigation systems can deliver water directly to plant roots, reducing water loss from evaporation or runoff. These systems are exempt from the District's watering hour restrictions, offering more flexibility.
  2. Drought-resistant plants: Choosing plants native to our region or plants that are tolerant of dry conditions can significantly reduce your landscape's water demand.
  3. Smart controllers: Irrigation controllers that adjust watering schedules based on weather conditions can help avoid overwatering and comply with watering day restrictions.
  4. Rain sensors: These devices prevent your irrigation system from running during or shortly after rainfall, helping you comply with the District's rule against watering within 48 hours of measurable rainfall.
  5. Recycled water: Utilizing recycled water for irrigation purposes is encouraged within the District, provided it complies with applicable laws.